Supported Platforms
The driver is known to work on CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7, Mac OS X 10.8/10.9 (Mavericks and Yosemite), Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 LTS, and Windows 7 SP1.
It has been built using GCC 4.1.2+, Clang 3.4+, and MSVC 2010/2012/2013.
- CMake
- libuv (1.x or 0.10.x)
- OpenSSL (optional)
NOTE: Utilizing the default package manager configuration to install dependencies on *nix based operating systems may result in older versions of dependencies being installed.
Test Dependencies
Linux/OS X
The driver has been built using both Clang (Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 and OS X) and GCC (Linux).
Obtaining Dependencies
Additional Requirements for CentOS/RHEL 5
CentOS/RHEL 5 does not contain git
in its repositories; however RepoForge (formerly RPMforge) has a RPM for this dependency. It can be found here.
Download the Appropriate RepoForge Release Package
Install Key and RPM Package
sudo rpm --import
sudo rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el5.rf.*.rpm
Dependencies and libuv Installation
sudo yum install automake cmake gcc-c++ git libtool openssl-devel wget
pushd /tmp
tar xzf libuv-v1.4.2.tar.gz
pushd libuv-v1.4.2
sudo make install
The driver has been built and tested using the Clang compiler provided by XCode 5.1+. The dependencies were obtained using Homebrew.
brew install libuv cmake
NOTE: The driver utilizes the OpenSSL library included with XCode.
Additional Requirements for Ubuntu 12.04
Ubuntu 12.04 does not contain libuv in its repositories; however the LinuxJedi PPA has a backport from Ubuntu 14.04 which can be found here.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:linuxjedi/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++ make cmake libuv-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install clang make cmake libuv-dev libssl-dev
Building the Driver
git clone
mkdir cpp-driver/build
cd cpp-driver/build
cmake ..
Test Dependencies and Building the Tests (NOT REQUIRED)
Obtaining Test Dependencies
CentOS/RHEL does not contain Boost v1.55+ libraries in its repositories; however these can be easily installed from source. Ensure previous version of Boost has been removed by executing the command sudo yum remove boost*
before proceeding.
sudo yum install libssh2-devel
pushd /tmp
wget -O boost_1_57_0.tar.gz
tar xzf boost_1_57_0.tar.gz
pushd boost_1_57_0
./ --with-libraries=atomic,chrono,date_time,log,program_options,random,regex,system,thread,test
sudo ./b2 cxxflags="-fPIC" install
NOTE: CentOS/RHEL 5 has known issues when compiling tests with GCC 4.1.2 as it is not a supported Boost compiler.
brew install boost libssh2
Additional Requirements for Ubuntu 12.04
Ubuntu 12.04 does not contain Boost v1.55+ C++ libraries in its repositories; however it can be obtained from the Boost PPA which can be found here.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boost-latest/ppa
sudo apt-get update
Install Dependencies
sudo apt-get install libboost1.55-all-dev libssh2-1-dev
Building the Driver with the Tests
git clone
mkdir cpp-driver/build
cd cpp-driver/build
The driver has been built and tested using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013 (using the “Express” and Professional versions) and Windows SDK v7.1, 8.0, and 8.1 on Windows 7 SP1. The library dependencies will automatically download and build; however the following build dependencies will need to be installed.
Obtaining Build Dependencies
- Download and install CMake.
- Make sure to select the option “Add CMake to the system PATH for all users” or “Add CMake to the system PATH for current user”.
- Download and install Git
- Make sure to select the option “Use Git from Windows Command Prompt” or manually add the git executable to the system PATH.
- Download and install ActiveState Perl
- Make sure to select the option “Add Perl to PATH environment variable”.
- NOTE: This build dependency is required if building with OpenSSL support
- Download and install Python v2.7.x
- Make sure to select/install the feature “Add python.exe to Path”
Building the Driver
A batch script has been created to detect installed versions of Visual Studio (and/or Windows SDK installations) to simplify the build process on Windows. If you have more than one version of Visual Studio (and/or Windows SDK) installed you will be prompted to select which version to use when compiling the driver.
First you will need to open a “Command Prompt” (or Windows SDK Command Prompt) to execute the batch script.
--DEBUG Enable debug build
--RELEASE Enable release build (default)
--DISABLE-CLEAN Disable clean build
--TARGET-COMPILER [version] 120, 110, 100, or WINSDK
--DISABLE-OPENSSL Disable OpenSSL support
--ENABLE-EXAMPLES Enable example builds
--ENABLE-PACKAGES [version] Enable package generation (*)
--ENABLE-TESTS [boost-root-dir] Enable test builds
--ENABLE-ZLIB Enable zlib
--GENERATE-SOLUTION Generate Visual Studio solution (**)
--INSTALL-DIR [install-dir] Override installation directory
--SHARED Build shared library (default)
--STATIC Build static library
--X86 Target 32-bit build (***)
--X64 Target 64-bit build (***)
--USE-BOOST-ATOMIC Use Boost atomic
--HELP Display this message
* Packages are only generated using detected installations of Visual Studio
** Dependencies are built before generation of Visual Studio solution
*** Default target architecture is determined based on system architecture
To build 32-bit shared library:
To build 64-bit shared library:
To build using Boost atomic implementation:
To build static library:
To build examples:
To build library without OpenSSL support:
To build 32-bit static library without OpenSSL support:
To generate Visual Studio solution file:
To use vc_build.bat for easy inclusion into a project:
dos VC_BUILD.BAT --TARGET-COMPILER 120 --INSTALL-DIR C:myprojectdependencieslibscpp-driver
NOTE: When overridding installation directory using --INSTALL-DIR
, the driver dependencies will also be copied (e.g. C:myprojectdependencieslibs)
Test Dependencies and Building the Tests (NOT REQUIRED)
Obtaining Test Dependencies
Boost v1.55+ is the only external dependency that will need to be obtained in order to build the unit and integration tests.
To simplify the process; pre-built binaries can be obtained here. Ensure the proper Visual Studio (or Windows SDK) version and architecture is obtained and select from the following list:
- Visual Studio 2010 (Windows SDK 7.1)
- Visual Studio 2012 (Windows SDK 8.0)
- Visual Studio 2013 (Windows SDK 8.1)
NOTE: Ensure the Boost library directory structure is configured correctly by renaming the library directory to lib (e.g. lib64-msvc-12.0 to lib).
Building the Driver with the Tests
[e.g. C:localboost_1_57_0]
NOTE: When enabling tests, –USE-BOOST-ATOMIC will use the Boost atomic implementation supplied by