Sensu is a monitoring router for Linux operating systems such as CentOS 7. It monitors “check” scripts and passes their results to the corresponding handler scripts when the specified conditions are met. Checking the status of a service such as Apache is one of the most common uses of Sensu. Installing Sensu requires you to install its supporting applications, which include Erlang, RabbitMQ and Redis. You’ll also need to view Sensu data with an application such as Uchiwa, which is a web-based dashboard for Sensu. The primary challenge with this procedure is locating the current software packages for your system.

To set this up, you’ll need a live Linux server (that you can tweak) with a dedicated IP address and a way to connect to it. We recommend a GoDaddy Virtual Private Server if you’re just getting started, or a full dedicated server if you’re ready to take total control. To connect to your server, you’ll need some kind of an SSH client. Google it, or try PuTTY (Windows) or Terminal (Mac).

20 Min

Install the EPEL-7 yum repository.1. Install the supporting software.

Install Erlang.

Add the key for RabbitMQ.

Install RabbitMQ RMP.

Install the RabbitMQ management console.

Install Redis and start its services.

2. Start and configure RabbitMQ.

Start the RabbitMQ server.

Create the RabbitMQ vhost and user/password.

3. Register the Sensu repository

Create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/sensu.repo with the following contents:

4. Install and start the Sensu services.

Install Sensu.

Create a sample Sensu configuration file.

Enable the Sensu services.

Start the Sensu services.

5. Install and start the Uchiwa services.

Install Uchiwa.

Enable the Uchiwa service.

Start the Uchiwa service.

6. Verify that Sensu is running.

Open a browser window and enter the default address and port number for Sensu, which is localhost:3000. This page should appear similar to the following screenshot if Sensu is running:


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